Customs services

Customs Services

Alexander Logistics is one of the firts customs agents in the Bulgarian market, with more than 20 years of experience in the area if customs services and managing custom bonded warehouses. The combination between experience and highly qualified professionals, allows us to provide our clients with all customs formalities and operations in a custom bonded warehouse. Our customs agents will represent you in front of the customs authorities seamlessly, competently and in time. Alexander Logistics is an Approved Economic Operator (AEO), which is proof for reliability and security of our procedures and services.

We offer the following services: Import and export customs formalities; Transit customs operations: Т1, Т2, Т2L; Custom bonded warehouses; Simplified customs procedures; Preparation of customs documents and certificates; EORI registration; Intrastat reporting;

Mariana Grigorova

m_grigorova@alog-bg.com +359 2 81 777 22

Milena Berova

m_berova@alog-bg.com +359 2 81 777 27


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